Dominant and support hand x-drill
This week's training drill will give you practice at shooting single-handed and transitioning from target to target. This drill is also going to provide you a chance to practice with your support hand only, everyone's least favorite. Practicing single-handed shooting is important because if the time where to arise that you had to defend yourself, one of your hands might be doing another task. Tasks such as reaching for a flashlight, keeping space between you and the attacker, or maybe keeping your child or children behind you during the occurrence. You will need 16 rounds of ammunition, two ipsc targets placed five yards from you and two yards apart from each other. You will be using the a zone of the head and a zone of the body as targets. Start with your handgun in condition one, holstered with your hands at your sides. Draw and fire two rounds with only the dominant hand at target two's body, then two rounds at target one's head, then two rounds at target two's head, then two rounds at target one's body. Perform a reload and transfer the gun to the support hand. Fire two rounds at target one's body, then two rounds at target two's head, then two rounds at target one's head, then two rounds at target two's body. The goal for this drill is to place at least 90 percent of your shots in the a zone and zero shots in the d zone.