Practical Carbine 1

Course Description
Practical Carbine 1 is an introductory course for the AR-15 pattern rifle. This course is designed to develop skills and knowledge with the semi-automatic AR platform.
The classroom coursework covers the function, maintenance, and cleaning of the firearm. We begin with an overview of how the system is designed, and what repair and replacement parts may be useful for long term use of the gun. We give you general recommendation on repair part replacement schedule, and how to diagnose issues with the firearm. Next we go into equipping the AR with accessories, how to do a logical analysis of what additional equipment will be needed.
The live fire portion of the class teaches practical skills including defensive use, different shooting positions, and proper setup of optics and zero. We talk about optimal zero distance for your barrel length and for your mission. After zeroing your rifle, we work on shooting positions and appropriate engagement distances the stability each position imparts. We then learn reloading techniques, hasty shooting positions, sight offset and rapid engagement of multiple targets.
We intentionally run small classes, usually capped at eight students. This is to ensure that each student receives personal attention and has a safe environment to learn and grow.
Duration: 5 Hours, 1 Day
Ammo Requirements: 100 rounds
Prerequisites: None
Required Equipment
Open Minded Attitude
Notebook and pen/pencil
Eye protection
Ear protection
Defensive carbine in good working order (AR-15 weapon system)
Carbine Magazines: Minimum of two (2), preferably 30 round capacity
Brimmed hat
Weather appropriate
Pants need to have belt loops
Sturdy footwear with good traction
No open toed footwear
Inclement weather gear (we train rain, shine and snow)
No low-cut shirts (while fashionable, they can catch hot brass)
Rifle Ammunition: 120 rounds of quality factory loaded ammunition. Full metal jacket “ball” type ammunition is acceptable. No armor piercing (M855), incendiary or reloaded ammunition is permitted.
Water and snacks
Suggested/Optional equipment:
Sling that allows cross body carry (highly recommended)
Gun cleaning equipment and lubrication
Light gloves
Extra ammunition
Range bag
Multi Tool
Optics for carbine
Spare batteries for optics and any weapon lights