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Lethal Force Institute (LFI) Standards

Ian T. Mena-Wieland

This is the old LFI qualification standard. It is to be run on a B-27 target for score. The course is designed to work the things that people do not like to work on, such as off hand shooting and positional shooting. It is also a revolver friendly course of fire.

A 75 percent hit ratio, or 225 out of 300 possible points is required to pass. With 5-shot revolvers, students shoot 5-shot strings to reach 50 total shots instead of 60, and passing score becomes 188 out of 250 possible. LFI standards can be run for time or at at double speed (par time cut in half).

4 Yards - Low Ready, support hand only

6 shots: 8 seconds

4 Yards - Holstered, strong hand only

6 shots: 8 seconds

7 Yards - Ready position (high, aimed), freestyle (both hands)

6 shots, reload, 6 shots: 25 seconds

10 Yards - Cover crouch, move to high kneel, move to low kneel, freestyle (both hands)

6 shots, reload, 6 shots, reload, 6 shots: 75 seconds

15 Yards - Weaver stance, move to Chapman stance, move to Isosceles stance, freestyle

6 shots, reload, 6 shots, reload, 6 shots: 90 seconds

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