I have recently watched the Honing the Processor Modcast from Primary and Secondary, which can be found at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VKFDb3amgs8&t=5060s or on many podcast platforms. The theme for this episode is decision making skills.
Matt Landfair hosts Kurt Weber. Kurt Weber is retired Army Special Forces. He is now a contractor and also manages a DoD training program in Asia. Also in the podcast is Chris Cypert which is also retired Army Special Forces. He now teaches classes at Citizen’s Defense Research.
Chris starts out by explaining to the viewers to practice more than just being fast at shooting drills such as the Bill Drill. He says viewers should also work on shoot/no shoot scenarios into their training so that you don’t train yourself to shoot every time. Kurt Weber talks about Larry Vicker’s 70/30 Rule. This states that you default 70 percent of what you have been taught in a self defense situation. You only understand 70 percent of what you have been taught because nobody understands everything. In understanding this claim, it comes to the conclusion that you are only going to apply 70 percent of the 70 percent of information that you understand in a self defense scenario. The reason we only apply the 70 percent of 70 percent in a situation is because stress shuts down your thought process system.
Kurt then reiterates that if you just train to mag dump every target then you will revert to this when put in a use of force situation. He also says that often when trainers teach students to double tap, they are really just teaching the student to shoot the threat more than once. The student needs to understand why they are doing this and understand the real lesson trying to be taught. Not that every situation calls for two shots but that not every deadly force situation is going to be ended with just one shot. Chris Cypert chimes in to say that often instructors tell students what to do but often they don’t explain why they are doing it that way and what the reasoning behind the technique is.
Chris refers to John Murphy’s red light/green light drill. When students see the green light, they must start shooting until they see the red light. As soon as the students see the red light, they must stop firing. This works the students ability to identify the situation and work on their speed in which they can process information and react. Kurt says the best thing people can do to improve their decision processing speed is to practice. Chris adds on that once you have been in enough scenarios, you start to be able to read them and make your decisions faster because you learn what to look for and for how long to think about each part of the scenario. He gives an example for newer shooters. When an instructor holds up a certain amount of fingers, the newer shooter doesn’t tend to remember how many fingers they saw because they were concentrating on not tripping over their own feet. They give Gabe White credit as one of the first instructors to teach students when it is a good idea to stop shooting the threat. A lot of instructors emphasize shooting fast but don’t emphasize when they should be pumping the brakes and cease fire on the threat.
Chris also ends up talking about processing time and split times depends on the person and their capabilities. He does not recommend shooting faster split times than you can process the information and decide when the threat is no longer a threat.
My favorite part of the podcast is when Chris talks about knowing your capabilities and deciding the math to decide what is the lesser of the two evils when deciding whether to shoot or not. His example he gives, is that his capability is on a 100 yard target is 90 percent hits. This means he has a ten percent chance of missing the target. If he sees someone robbing a Jewlery section in a Walmart without deadly force, he would not shoot at the threats because there is a ten percent chance he could miss and possibly hit a civilian. On the other hand, if there are threats 100 yards away in a Walmart shooting at innocent people he would take the risk of shooting at them and risking the 10 percent chance of missing and hitting innocent people. This is not ideal and would have a tough time living with the fact he shot innocent people but it would be the lesser of the two evils.
This was a very good discussion and was just under two hours long. If you have two hours to spare, I think this would be a good value to you to hear their information and opinions and would be a good source in helping making your own informed decisions in your training.
Have a great and safe weekend!