When considering what classes you are going to take in the upcoming training season, there are a few things to consider. It is always important that you that you take training that fits your needs, as well as the portion of your training that needs the most work.
Needs and Gaps:
The "needs" portion is pretty easy: we look at the tools that we carry and make sure that we are taking classes relevant to our personal needs. If you primarily concealed carry for self defense, perhaps a defensive carbine course should be a lower priority than developing your skills with your handgun. On the other hand, if you are extremely proficient with a handgun and need to brush up on the home defense shotgun or carbine, that may take priority.
The gaps may be harder to identify, however. With medical, force on force, hand to hand, legal and firearms training out there, how do you prioritize your training? The easiest way to decipher your needs is to identify the odds and the stakes of not having each discipline. If you need medical training and have none, what are the stakes? What are the odds of needing it? How about contact distance fighting? Less lethal training?
An acquaintance recently made a the analogy that lifesaving training is like a pie. Every time you add something, you are more well rounded, but from time to time a piece falls out. We cannot be completely prepared, we only endeavor to make ourselves more prepared.