This post will be used to ask and answer questions about nomenclature in the defensive market. Ask about things we can't identify, or if we have questions about what something is called.
Apr 07, 2021
Striker FiredA striker fired handgun does not have an exposed hammer. An engagement of parts between the trigger and the firing pin operates the gun. When the trigger is pressed, it directly engages the firing pin, pushing it back and then releasing it.
Apr 07, 2021
Double Action / Single Action(DA/SA) firearms will have an combination of both styles. The first shot will be fired double action, then the slide reciprocates, cooking the hammer for single action use thereafter. Generally, these firearms will also be equipped with a decocker, a separate lever or button to safely lower the hammer without touching the trigger.
Apr 07, 2021
Double action(DA) firearms will fire from the hammer down (at rest) position. The trigger performs 2 functions when pressed. 1) it pulls the hammer back and 2) then releases the hammer. These triggers generally take much more force than a single action or striker fired firearm.
Apr 07, 2021
Single action(SA) firearms will only fire when the hammer is in the fully cooked position (hammer back). The trigger performs the single function of releasing the hammer.
Striker Fired A striker fired handgun does not have an exposed hammer. An engagement of parts between the trigger and the firing pin operates the gun. When the trigger is pressed, it directly engages the firing pin, pushing it back and then releasing it.
Double Action / Single Action (DA/SA) firearms will have an combination of both styles. The first shot will be fired double action, then the slide reciprocates, cooking the hammer for single action use thereafter. Generally, these firearms will also be equipped with a decocker, a separate lever or button to safely lower the hammer without touching the trigger.
Double action (DA) firearms will fire from the hammer down (at rest) position. The trigger performs 2 functions when pressed. 1) it pulls the hammer back and 2) then releases the hammer. These triggers generally take much more force than a single action or striker fired firearm.
Single action (SA) firearms will only fire when the hammer is in the fully cooked position (hammer back). The trigger performs the single function of releasing the hammer.